Kaidy’s Face

Today I am SO honored to bring you this SPECIAL interview with a woman who has been through so much in her life, but has so much to share with all of her readers. She currently has a website www.kaidysface.com that speaks to the volume of what is going on with our women, men, and families in today’s society. This site has catapulted into a web sensation in such a short time. And I am so happy that we have her today. Ms. Halaveshia Hall. Here is what we chatted about:

Kimberly Renay: What is Kaidy’s Face?

Ms. Hall: Kaidy’s Face is an inspirational blog that is designed to offer daily inspiration and uplift the spirits of any human being.  It’s geared towards women in an attempt to stop the cycle of being dependents and co-dependents in any type of relationship.  Also to break the chain of greediness and neediness that is so often found in women.

*Kaidy's Face Inspiration*

Kimberly Renay: When did you realize that it was time to start Kaidy’s Face?

Ms. Hall: I realized it was time for me to start Kaidy’s Face when domestic abuse began to hit people that I know and that are in my age group but being covered up.  There was a shame attached to it.  I know that it has probably been going on for a while in some instances and probably closer to me than I really knew but for some reason I began to see it more.  People started coming to me on a personal level just talking to me and asking for advice and I began to ask God why/how did they know to come to me?

Kimberly Renay: WOW…that sounds like God. So would you say that this was destined to happen for you to be an impact on others?

Ms. Hall: YES! Looking back I sure can say it was. The first weekend in June I was just filled with emotions from nowhere. All I wanted to do was get home to Albany, Ga.  I had gotten to where I could not sleep. I was not eating. I was just confused but I was even confused about what I was confused about! *LOL! If that makes sense!* So, my best friend paid for me to make a trip home and all I knew is that I had to get to my “help”, to my church family. I went to 3 churches in Albany that had a big impact on my life all within two days!  I ended at Gethsemane Worship Center and I went into my Bishop’s office in tears just asking for prayer and clarity.  It is in that office where he and the First Lady broke down to me that what I had been wrestling with was just God’s way of showing me my purpose in life. They also told me that it was my time to use my gifts, my story, my life, to celebrate and uplift Him! I still did not now it was going to be “Kaidy’s Face” {the blog}. When I came home {Back to Atlanta} I was still confused but not as much. I prayed. I asked God to show me what/how He wanted me to do everything.  One morning I went to work. I posted just my own random thought on Facebook and the response to it was huge! I said, “God you are using me to reach people but it has to be a bigger place than Facebook!” I thought “blog” but I was clueless so I sent a message to my friend/co-worker Kimberly Renay and I asked her “Kim, how do you start a blog?” and she gave me a site to start a free one and Kaidy’s Face has grew from there!

*Ms.Hall doing an interview*

Kimberly Renay: YES! I have to say that that was a proud moment to see you starting your purpose and impacting others. It was a prayer answered. Give us a piece of what’s the message that you intend to relay to your readers?

Ms. Hall: The message that I really want to get across to my readers is the importance of forgiving.  Forgiving yourself and others is the first process to start healing.  I want the women to know that they were created to create and that they are bigger and better than the things they are allowing themselves to become victims too.  I want the men to know that a woman is the greatest gift they were ever given and to respect and build them up.

Kimberly Renay: When you write, where do you get your inspiration?

Ms. Hall: I get my inspiration directly from my own life and the things that I have gone through and currently going through.  I ask God to use me to be able to tell my story in a way that will help others as well as myself.  I also get inspiration from going to church and listening to my Pastor. (Anthony Murray, Oasis FLC)

Kimberly Renay: Do you have one regret?

Ms. Hall: Yes and No! *lol* Yes, in that I wish I’d told it sooner.  No, in that I know God does everything for a reason. In His own timing and own planning. And His time is not our time, so when it was His time for it to be told…it was told.

*Ms. Hall herself*

Kimberly Renay: What has been the highlight thus far with Kaidy’s Face?

Ms. Hall: The highlight to me is just the daily response that I get from people via text, email, or Facebook telling me what I said for that day is what they needed to hear or their friend needed to hear.  The fact that today makes only day 15 the site has been up and running and I have over 1,000 page views means that someone is listening or at least want to see what I have to say!

Kimberly Renay: WOW….that is a GREAT accomplishment. During this time there is so much that needs to be heard and you surely are dishing it out. NO CHASER! If there is one thing that you could tell your readers/followers, what would it be?

Ms.Hall: Forgive, forgive, forgive and forgetting will come naturally!!!

*Ms. Hall*

Kimberly Renay: Where do you see Kaidy’s Face in 1 year?

Ms. Hall: I see Kaidy’s Face as a global site known as the place to get your healing and inspiration daily!

Kimberly Renay: How can the readers get in touch with Kaidy’s Face?

Ms. Hall: kaidysface@gmail.com of  follow me on Twitter @kaidysface.

I have to say that I am just BLOWN away. Not solely just that Kaidy’s Face came together, but that God used some pretty difficult life situations to impact so many other people going through very similar issues. EVERYONE has a place to share a piece of them with someone else, no matter what it may be! You see folks. By not sharing your story/gift/talent can possibly keep someone else from receiving their blessing. I can’t wait to see all that is to come for Kaidy’s Face. And just think, this is just the first 2 weeks! WOW!

So the age old question comes back again, what are you waiting for?

Kimberly Renay

Happy Thanksgiving!,Merry Christmas!,Happy New Year!,Happy Easter!……


I missed wishing you all the well wishes of the past few months, but you know what? I’m back! I’m back with a few little tricks in my pocket. Same message but coming back STRONG. Back with some folks who have been embracing a whole lot of the “get-up-and-go” mentality and are KILLING it these days! What am I talking about? Well for those of you who didn’t follow me before, let me bring you up to speed.

I am a STRONG believer in making life happen for YOU with the tools that God has given you. Using ALL that you got to get to where you going. It’s like being in a race. You are at the starting blocks. You hear that gun go off.  And you take off. You take off with all your might, using every fiber in you, with only the finish line in your view. Not the person to your right, and not the person to your left. But the goal of the finish line in your view.

That is what we are about here. Using your God given talent’s, abilities, skills, characteristics, and whatever it may be to bring joy to someone else’s life.

I’m telling you people. I have some people who have been investing time into their talents. People who have held on despite some setbacks. And they are bringing it!Bringing it with a purpose!

I can hear some of ya’ll saying, “well what do I want to know about someone else’s success for? That is just shoving it in my face.” Well actually no it is not. It’s proving that if you take what you have, and put it in action towards your goals, God will take care of the rest. The purpose of this is to give you inspiration to move forward with those dreams and hopes that you have been putting up on the shelf. And we are all here to help you move towards that mark.

I will be sharing some helpful tips about getting started from right where you are. No matter what your goals are. No matter your income. And no matter the resources that you have. We are going to make it happen for you! 🙂

SOOOO, this week we are starting off with a BIG BANG and I hope that you would join me in sharing the good news of what God has done in some of our lives.


Kimberly Renay

*Hello people!*

*Been working on my hobby...not eating...but taking pics!LOL*

*My place of solitude. Edited pic of Piedmont Park*

Failing Forward

I have recently read a book entitled just that, Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones For Success, by John C Maxwell. It is a good book….really gives you principles to live by ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD! That is the best part to me. Sometimes we get self-help books that have the PRINCIPLES of the Bible *they all do* but really don’t speak or mention the scriptures in which it comes from, well this book does just that! I must warn you though…this book is not for the faint at heart! It gives you a REAL inside of the steps to take in order to be successful, but truthfully!

*Image compliments of Google, good read folks*

There are self-helps out there that give you the pretty side to life, “invest your money but make sure you pay yourself first, how to grow your business overnight”, we all have heard or read them. Not this book! It shows you that in life there ARE going to be failures, but the best part is, you will not be successful if you don’t PUSH PAST those failures.

You know there came a point in my life where I just KNEW that I was going to be an occupational therapist. I just had it in my mind from about 17 years old that I would be the best of the best when it came to this profession! HA! NOT!! I was denied entry to the occupational therapy program where I attended undergrad…GO GATORS!!! *I can hear the haters already!! BLAH BLAH BLAH!! Laughs* And what made it even worse, I knew a girl that got into the program and said that she did not want to do the program anymore! I was like this chick took my spot, I’m passionate about this thing, and she took my spot! Well I am SOOOOOO glad that I continued to pray and pray and ask God to reveal to me what His will over my life is, because I am HAPPY with my career choices, O…K…!! *laughs* And it is soooo far left of being an occupational therapist.

It took the determination in me *not of my own strength though because I wanted to give up so many times* to continue to find out what it was that God had for me, what I had the ultimate desire to do even if I didn’t get paid for it! It’s a joy to know that John C. Maxwell has wrapped all of the great teachings of the Bible and placed it on the shelves in book heaven! *I’m a nerd when it comes to books, I loooove to read!…Don’t judge me! :-)* So I challenge you to go to the library if you can’t afford to grab this book off of Amazon or at your local bookstore and find out what it means to Fail Forward! I can see that you are getting more and more curious about your future, and it excites me that you are excited! Enjoy the good read; I know it will help you on your BRIGHT future to success! Toodles! 🙂


Hey people! Today is an exciting day because I have someone with pure talent that is shown through art. If anyone knows me, I love arts and crafty thingy stuff *if that makes sense lol* and this chick is after my own heart with her creations! Oh yeah, just as a treat she made me my OWN earrings over night, hand delivered, and CUUUUTTTEEE I might add. Marisa is a NATURAL when it comes to paint, wood, cameras, canvases, beads, brushes, make-up, fairies, should I go on?!?! She does it all folks and she has INSPIRED me beyond belief with her creative yet simple designs, check out our sit down talk:

Kimberly Renay: When did you realize that you LOVED to create things? (paintings, cakes, jewelry etc?)

Marisa: For as long as I can remember, I have always been a creative person. It started with drawing and coloring pictures for fun and evolved into a passion and need to express myself artistically. The late artist Bob Ross and my mother played a huge role in my creative side. My mom loves arts and crafts and I would always help her with projects. I think we experimented with every medium out there.


*Ms.Marisa @pumpkin patch thinking of the next creation for this year's pumpkin!*


Kimberly Renay: So what type of things did you create?

Marisa: We made play dough, painted pictures, sewed clothes, made things out of construction paper, and of course designing shirts with iron-on transfers and puff paint. Drawing was always my favorite and I remember being out on the boat with my dad all day just drawing the different landscapes I saw around the lake. As I’ve gotten older, I do more painting with acrylics, making jewelry, photography, and cake decorating. I also love to come up with creative solutions for organizing things.

Kimberly Renay: What gives you the inspiration to be so creative or make a certain pieces?

Marisa: I am constantly inspired by everything that is around me, but mainly nature. I will see the way sunlight will shine through the limbs of a tree or clouds passing through the sky and will feel a sudden urge to paint or take pictures.  I absolutely love the beach and a lot of my artwork focuses on the ocean. The little girl in me has always been fascinated by mermaids and magical forests filled with fairies so I paint a lot of those scenes.


*Canvas work that she painted specifically for her new place!*



*They sit right above her couch! Calgon take me away*


Kimberly Renay: You just sound so inspired by nature! I love it! How long did it take you do learn how to do all this?

Marisa: Show me something once and I have mastered that skill. That’s the reason why I work with so many mediums b/c as soon as I master something, I’m on to the next challenge. Chasing a challenge always inspires me to tackle different projects. My creative side is not just limited to paint and pencils but extends to power tools and wood. I’ve made window seats, tables, shelves, and fixed many things. I am not someone who reads directions. Instead, I will look at a project, decide what needs to be done, and just jump in. Sure, I make mistakes, but it always works out in the end and I look at it as a learning experience.

Kimberly Renay: I know that you have some type of classical music or zone that you get into when you are being creative!? *laughs*

Marisa: *Laughs* Well yea Kim! When I’m working on something, I listen to my favorite music and just tune the world out. Several hours can pass and I not even realize it. There is a piece I did in high school that carries a lot of emotional value for me and that is a wax batik I did of my grandparents. Wax batik involves sketching something on canvas and dipping it several times in dye. Whatever you want to remain the canvas color, you use a paintbrush and fill in with melted wax. Once you are done, you use an iron and paper bag to melt out the wax. You can use any color dye and whatever you want to remain that color, you fill in with melted wax. It is a long process, but yields great results. My particular piece was chosen to be shown at the High Museum in Atlanta.


*Grandma and Grandpa! HARD WORK HERE...BEAUTIFUL!*


Kimberly Renay: WOW that is great! I know that they were happy to see that, what famous artist would you like to do a still portrait of?

Marisa: Every artist has an area of weakness and mine is painting faces. I am working on it, but I have a ways to go.  Doing a still portrait of someone scares me. I would rather travel to places like Scotland and France and paint beautiful landscapes and scenes.


*Picture taken by Marisa of the sunset! This is going in my bedroom*


Kimberly Renay: What is your favorite piece of work to date?

Marisa: My favorite work is a piece of pottery I made in high school. It’s just a simple pinch pot and I made several turtles that are crawling along the edges of it. It’s not my best work or the hardest piece I’ve done, but it just makes me happy.




Kimberly Renay: Would you trade your talent for anything? If so, what would it be?

Marisa: I would never trade my talent for anything. I would like to add some talents though like having a great singing voice or being able to play guitar. Being creative is just who I am and have always been. It’s that one part of my life that I am completely confident in and have no fear. My hands and my talent is a gift from God.

Kimberly Renay: And I know that He is happy that you are using them to bless other people with your creations, what are your next steps with your creativity?


*HAHAHAHAHA!!! Napolean himself!!! COOL!*


Marisa: You can’t plan creativity, it just happens. I try to find some time every week to do something a little artistic like make a few pairs of earrings or draw.  I would love to get some training in stain glass and work more with pottery. With the holidays quickly approaching, I know I will be doing a lot of baking and party planning.

Kimberly Renay: *Coos* Oh yeah I think that I might have to hit you up for that pumpkin roll!!! *laughs* How can the readers get in touch with you to personalize their homes with your art or get a few baked goodies?

Marisa: I can be emailed at mjstockwell24@yahoo.com.

This talent makes me soooo happy! It is near and dear to my heart because I have seen Marisa embrace the talents that God has blessed her with and she is shining soooo bright! She happens to be one of my AVID readers who has been inspired over time to step out and be proud of what she can do! I can’t wait to see the new awesome creations that she comes up with, I have a feeling that this chick will be heard of all over! DON’T sleep on her! I just LOVE IT!!! *Takes a deep breath and smiles*

Again, this week people, I have seen the wonders of what God can do and will do through his people, just to show that He is real! Take it serious people, feel liberated with the talents that are in you by sharing it with others! **I see some people sleeping on making money around here!!!** 🙂 Until next time!

Hermosa Cosmetics

It’s TALENT TUESDAY and boy do I have a treat for you guys ta-day! *smiles* This is like one of the ‘hottest’…yes I said HOTTEST make-up artist in Atlanta. She is like the person you go see when you get a pimple the night before a big event *i.e date, prom, interview, etc* and you need some SERIOUS cover-up magic! Yes….she is just that good. Yolanda Parrish owner and MASTERMIND behind the divalicious creations of Hermosa Cosmetics has been ‘beating faces’ *her signature term for applying make-up for you slow pokes* as long as she can remember. It is a true testimony of living up to taking a leap of faith to USE her talents to bless other women and men. Take a look at what we chatted up about recently:

Kimberly Renay: What makes you happy?

Hermosa Cosmetics: What truly makes me happy is my family. If they are well and happy I’m all good. The minute something goes wrong with a niece or a nephew my world is turned up side down. My mom also makes me very happy. She is always there! (even when you don’t want them to be…)

*Loves, Loves, LOVE the eyes!*

Kimberly Renay: Awww that is sweet! I love my peeps too…crazy bunch of folks…*laughs*. So when did you realize that you were blessed with being an artist and when did you decide to embrace it?

Hermosa Cosmetics: I was actually home and out of school for the summer. I went on a job interview at Belk’s Department store. I was interviewing for a woman’s shoe sales position. While I was in the waiting area, a woman came up to me and said, “Who are you?” I told her who I was and why I was there. She looked at me and said, “ You want to work in woman’s shoes?” She had this perplexed look on her face! She made me doubt the shoe sales position that is certain! I was like, “Uhmmmm… no…” She asked me who did my makeup because my skin and makeup was absolutely gorgeous. I told her that I did my makeup and my mom blessed me with great skin! *winks* She looked at me told me to get up and go with her. I was no longer working for woman’s shoes, I was going to work at Estee Lauder. At that moment I wasn’t too sure about the business and how I was going to do. I was surrounded by old ladies with tons of makeup on their faces. But I soon realized that I was good at it. I sold a lot of products and I made women feel good. I embraced it and never looked back!

A model capturing Yolanda’s flawless work!

Kimberly Renay: WOW…that is a story to tell because that sounds like a straight intervention from God! Have you ever wished that you were not blessed with such a great talent?

Hermosa Cosmetics: No way! This is a gift God has given me. I would never want Him to take away MY gift. People think this is an easy job, but it’s not. Long days on your feet, counseling women who have facial scars, some have lost their brows from cancer treatments. I ask God every day to allow me to see the beauty in that person’s face I am touching. It is truly a gift.

Divalicousness right there! *smiles*

Kimberly Renay: That is awesome because some people are just not thoughtful of how their job can really impact another individual, just thinking about being a blessing gives me chills, what types of industries do you do work with?

Hermosa Cosmetics: I am in the cosmetics industry but I also do photo shoots, videos, and runway models. But my greatest clients are my brides! I am in the industry of making brides look GORGEOUS!

Yolanda getting a beautiful bride ready for her big day!
*Yolanda enhanced her beauty! JUST GORGEOUS!*

Kimberly Renay: Your job sounds rather exciting and I can tell that you thoroughly enjoy it! Let’s see, if you had to pick one celebrity to be a make-up artist to, who would it be? And why?

Hermosa Cosmetics: I want to touch Oprah Winfrey’s face so bad! I just want to try something new on her. She is a beautiful black woman and she can change up her look a little bit more for me! I would love to do her hair too!

Oh please don’t get it twisted,she rolls with the best!

Kimberly Renay: I agree…she needs a little bit of your color works…*lol*…Would you trade your talent for anything? If so, what would it be?

Hermosa Cosmetics: I always wanted to be an actress. Believe it or not a lot of people say I am hilarious! I would love to be a comedic actress! If I could only just remember my lines! *HA* Other than that, nope! I will stick to what I am good at!

*All Skin types people!*

Kimberly Renay: That would be a funny and beautiful movie all at the same time! *HA* What has been your greatest moment so far?

Hermosa Cosmetics: My greatest moment would have to be when I left my ‘9-5’ job and decided to do this thing on my own. I decided to leave a corporation and do business for myself. When I got my business license, that was by far the best day of my career. It was a small step, but it was the step that made the difference.

Smashing the scene while at work, Yolanda Parrish!

Kimberly Renay: Taking that step is fun and scary at the same time, and you did it and are loving it! How can my faithful readers get in touch with you to be beautified? *laughs*

Hermosa Cosmetics: You can always find me on Facebook under Yolanda Parrish. Twitter: @eyecandi_82 and my blog!!! It’s crazy! I have up all kinds of stuff! From photo shoots to the Do’s and the Don’ts of makeup!! I love my blog! Check it out www.hermosacosmetics.blogspot.com My website in under construction at the moment but when it’s finished you will be amazed! Also e-mail me at hermosamakeup@gmail.com.

I had a great time finding this talent. And ALL of what I have talked about in my previous post, of leaping out on faith and taking the step to create your OWN brand despite the fears of being unsuccessful, especially when you know you have the gift and brains to do it, she has done it! THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!! MAN! I just love it! Embrace it, use it, and impact others with it….it’s what we are here for. For Talent Tuesday’s another creation that the Creator has created and His creations NEVER cease to amaze me. Simply wonderful…Who’s next?

Waiting for the perfect conditions…..

…is NOT what you should be doing! You know I must say that I have fallen prey to this thought, feeling, action….whatever you want to call it through my life….but it is a new day! What am I talking about? Your talents and purpose. Have you been waiting for the right time for all of the ideas about your future of being better than your mother and father or the ideas that you don’t tell anyone about because you think no one will listen or buy into your ‘hype’ or the dreams that you have when you see yourself living a life without worry and just being who you KNOW you can be, come true? Well, why wait? *get a snickers* lol…I had to…But in all seriousness, what’s the wait for?

It does not take much you know to actually JUST DO what you have always had the desire to do. It’s like walking with one foot in front of the other….yea like that. It reads in Ecclesiastes 11:4 “If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.” (NLT) I didn’t say that….God did!

I said all of this to say, I have gotten so much talk lately about people who have all of these great ideas and talents that I NEVER thought reigned so passionately inside of them, and they are waiting for a miracle to drop out of the sky. Or better yet simple things such as, a better business card, a ‘hot’ website, or more importantly of course, money to ‘do what God has told them to do.’ Think about it, if God gave you a passion and drive to be good at making greeting cards, do you think that He won’t give you the means somehow it make it work? It does not take a fortune to do what God wants you to do. There are many ways to get your talents/purpose exposed *i.e. WordPress* without having a bank full of cash.

So again, I ask that you think about this, why are you waiting for the perfect conditions? My pastor just said this, ‘life is a temporary assignment,’ and we don’t have that much time to waste on thinking about jumping into the double dutch ropes, so to speak, to get excited about life. God gives you a purpose to fulfill and it is up to you to infect others with what God has given you or you will never be satisfied in life. Think about that. We are not here just to take up space. Your stage of success is looking bright to me, the curtains are drawn and there is ONE person waiting for you….so what are you going to do ‘use it or loose it?’

*image by Google*