Staying in line and in order with what God has for you can be SO difficult. You have people watching every move that you make. People waiting in the wings for you to fail. And more so, people to bring up what “God said He would do for you.”

In my life, I have had to make some TOUGH decisions. Not based on what I think is right, but based on what God is telling me to do. And sometimes it makes absolutely NO sense to me or to the ones looking in from the outside. But what does make sense is the promises that He whispered to me ever so gently. You are responsible for what God tells you to do because no one understands the relationship that you have with God but YOU! Therefore there is no reason why you should have to explain to others what God told YOU to do. If He is constantly telling you to make a phone call to someone about a business deal and you have no money to bring to the table, there just might be a blessing for you on the other side. But it begins with FAITH from you in order to make the steps that He is asking you. Yes you don’t have any money, Yes you have never made a business deal before, Yes you have never had to rely on someone else to help you, but with God being your  mouth piece and fueling you, there is no way that you will loose!

You see, sometimes all it takes is for us to step out on faith and do that thing that God has been telling us to do. But the real problem is not faith. You have that. You believe that it can be done. It’s obedience. Obedience is the other part of faith that we forget about often. And it’s not always that we are not willing to obey, it’s that we don’t know what it will look like when we do obey. Or maybe we do. It may look dumb to the next person, so you don’t want them to think that you are some “Jesus Freak”. LET THEM THINK IT! God is NOT ashamed of you so why be ashamed of Him? He is telling you to do something for your own benefit! NOT HIS! **think about it**.

So my hope is that you find it in the depths of you to obey what God is telling you in this season in regards to moving forward in your life. It may hurt or be uncomfortable for you because you have never had to depend on Him this much. But I have been saying this for a couple of months now. Those who are plugged into God during this season and are willing to be radical for Him, will be blessed TREMENDOUSLY! The struggle is over. The growing part is done once you step out! The remainder of this year is harvest time and I guareentee you that if you allow Him to work in your life, and not worry about what it look or feels like, the rest of this year will be SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!!!! 🙂

It’s not them…It’s YOU!

Did you look in the mirror yet this morning? Did you get a good look? I don’t think you did. I don’t think that you took the time to look at the person who holds your future. YOU!

We run the game of “ah man, she never returned my calls.” ” I guess things are not going to work out, they denied me.” “I don’t know if this is going to work out, I think I am ready to give up.” BLAH BLAH BLAH! **Refer to my previous post, Failing Forward**If you allow rejection and fear to over take you, you will never get anywhere. This life is not about what people can do for you, sometimes it’s about what can you do for yourself! You have to be your biggest advocate and if you are not your biggest advocate, then who will be? Think about this quote, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” Take that in for a second.

After you pray to God about your needs and wants, its up to you to start beating the pavement and getting to work! You cannot sit there in defeat and expect everything to just fall in your lap. “Oh please God, I need this and I need that.” “Please send someone to help me with this.” Ok. How do you expect God to bring someone to you and you are sitting up in the house crying about what you don’t have?! That is not going to work! Get off the couch. Off the computer. Put your shoes on. And start beating the pavement and knocking on doors and be proactive in your success! Sometimes I hate that we have so much technology in this day and age because it takes away from that face-to-face contact and genuine relationship of looking someone in the eye to do business. Sometimes it takes looking someone in the eyes to get that blessing that you have been waiting on! Yeah you can send an email, tweet, or Facebook message, but its just not the same. *Ok….that was a rant** It takes time to be successful, it does not happen over night. But I gurantee you, if you step up to the plate and work hard, all of those prayers that you sent up to God, will start raining down blessings. Remember, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” WORK HARD today! 🙂

Kimberly Renay

If Today Was Your Last Day?

What would you do? What wouldn’t you do? You have 24 hours to forgive, forget, repair, but most importantly, LIVE! Live like it is your last day, and make all of those “big” things that have been taking over you life, small in comparison to knowing that 24 hours is all that you have to live.

Thought that I would give you some motivation this morning. Nickleback sings it the best! Enjoy and make this day the BEST day of your life! 😉


Who do you love?

**Image provided by Google**

What is the first name that comes to mind? Is it your husband? Is it your wife? Is it your mom or dad? How about your girlfriend or boyfriend? Did you mention yourself anywhere in there? *Yes I am going there this morning!*

It just kills me when people say that they can’t live without someone. Or they feel as though their life will never be anything without that “special person” *the opposite sex* in their lives. How much of yourself have you invested into this other person for you to feel so entangled in the other person’s life? You take the time to make them happy **a lot of ways to do this, but it always seems to be one thing. You know what I am talking about! **side eyes** LOL**but do not take time to make yourself happy! This is definitely the danger zone! This topic is brought to my attention just about everyday that I log onto Facebook or Twitter. It actually makes me feel uncomfortable because I have to see these individuals go through such turmoil within themselves. So I told myself, I have to speak against such a STRONG issue!

So many of us desire in life to have a “love of our own” who will love us until the end of time. There’s nothing wrong with that. “Someone who will complete us in every area of our lives.” “Someone who will just be so in tune with your life that without them, you will just die!” Ok, let’s get this straight. You will continue to live without them **it may hurt but you will live! I promise**. You don’t need someone to complete you, you need someone to complement **the verb: Add to (something) in a way that ENHANCES or IMPROVES it** you. Think about the people who complement each other in Hollywood. The “Power Couples”: Will &Jada Smith, Angela Bassett & Courtney Vance, Boris Kodjoe & Nicole Ari Parker *you get the picture?* These couples had their own lives before their spouses and absolutely LOVED and still LOVE the skin that they are in. Once they found each other, they COMPLEMENTED  each other enhanced each others lives that much more. And you can’t help but look at them every single time and say, ” I just love them!” That feeling that you get every time looking at these couples, is pure love but comfort to be who they are without changing to fit the other person’s mold of a mate.

You see, when you are already whole for yourself, no one can come in and destroy the life that you have already built, according to God’s plan. They can only enhance it and make life just that much sweeter! Loving the skin you are in, the hair on your head, the gifts and talents that God has given you, and loving the old you because it has made the new you,  lets off a SWEET aroma that the one who is for you can’t help but notice. “Man, who is she?” “WOW, it’s something about him!” When you know who you are and “WHOSE you are” **God’s child** through and through, your spirits become lifted, that smile starts to come up on your face when you open your eyes in the morning, you start taking care of your body a lot better than before, and your words speak life rather than death in your relationships. At this point, who wouldn’t want you for YOU!?

Take the time to love YOU! Take the time to know what YOU like! Take the time know the areas that need improvement in YOUR life! Just take some much needed time out for YOU! Do all of this BEFORE you jump into another relationship with the right person but at the wrong time because you still have to figure out how to love YOU! I’m not downplaying love nor am I saying be selfish, but what I am saying is in order to move forward and have a SUCCESSFUL relationship, take some time to learn yourself so the next person you date, you are adding love to their life, not just taking their love because you haven’t found it in yourself first.

So let me ask this again, Who. Do. You. Love?




^^^^From me to you. ^^^^


Fall in love…..TWICE!

I am a book lover, and I wanted to share a few inspirational books with you.

This particular GOOD read is about falling in love with God, again. Finding out the authentic way that God really loves you, not how society has depicted our God. **an angry/jealous God who punishes those who sin against Him** God is SO much more than a jealous God, “He will again have compassion on us; He will subdue and tread underfoot our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” Micah 7:19 AMP. Knowing this God will allow Him to love on you so much so that you come out of the “stale” place that you are in, in regards to your relationship with Him. Some of us hold on to our sins and past so much that it blocks God from blessing you when He already forgave you! Falling in love with Him all over again can and will ignite the dreams and the future that you have always saw for yourself! Take a look at this clip:

**Crazy Love by Francis Chan**

This is the AWESOME book ^^^^^^^ that you need to take some time to read and learn how to fall in love with God all over again to be fulfilled in life! Not because you want your blessing that is hanging out there somewhere, but because you deserve NONE of this that He has given you. You should have that fire of praise so far down in you that you automatically would want to praise Him for His mercy and grace upon your life! And in exchange for accepting Him and praising Him with a pure heart, God will automatically bless you! Live it and be in relationship with Him. He is in love with you and wants you to return back to Him with a PURE heart.

**Forgotten God by Francis Chan**

This book “Forgotten God” is the sequal to “Crazy Love” and it takes you to another level of understanding about the “Holy Spirit”, one who is apart of the Trinity “The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.” It has become common that we tend to forget that the Holy Spirit was sent here to comfort and guide us until the day comes that He sends His Son again. We tend to confuse the Holy Spirit with our own thinking and miss the mark on what God has asked us to do or say. There were SO many portions of this book that just spoke volume to what a lot of us as Christians go through, but more particularly us who tend to listen to the “fan club” than do what God has told to us. Here is an insert from the book that I highligted and highlighted:

It is about discerning and obeying the Spirit’s voice, especially when He asks you to do something that is hard, a little beyond “normal,” and that requires sacrifice. This is a twofold thing: It is both about encouraging others to obey the Spirit’s leading and about listening to and obeying His leading in your own life.

Could not have said it better myself. Sometimes we just need to ask God for the help ourselves and listen to His instruction and filter out everyone else. It takes some serious prayer and guidance to do this, but with the Holy Spirit giving you the gift of discernment, it is easier than you think!

I hope that you take the time to get these GREAT reads and apply the principles to your life to lead a life full of God’s love while walking out your heart’s desire.

You can find these books in your local library,, or The Family Christian Bookstore! **They are on sale right now at Family Christian Bookstore until the end of August!!!**

It’s time

**IT'S TIME!!** Image by Google

Time for what you ask? Time for your dreams to be a reality. Time for all of the old notebooks you were writing in to be dusted off and get a FRESH…NEW….POWERFUL idea breathed into you!

Truth is, some of us have come to the point where we are stale. Just alive and not living! Not living the dream that has been purposed for you. The dream that has been in you and so alive, and then something happened. Fear. This one little negative word took a hold of you. Took a hold of you so much so that you just decided to fall back. Decided to allow your insecurities and others to play down your dreams.

I mean really. Think about it. You have allowed MAN….a person who has NO DOMINION or AUTHORITY over your life to change the whole plan that God has destined for you? REALLY?!?! I have been in this place before and when I look back at it….it’s like really Kim? Who cares that no one believes what God told you to do will ever succeed. Let’s put it like this. If Noah never adhered to what God told him about building the ark, do you think that you would even be here? What Noah did saved man kind even though God wiped OUT mankind! Do you know how important his job was? Really! Your assignment can be the next big thing that God is using to save a generation.

Take what you have in the depths of your belly and birth it out! Come out of fear! Come out of depression! Come out of self-defeat! Come out of negativity! Come out of confusion! Do what you KNOW is right in the eyes of God NOT man! You are to live for an audience of ONE…and the ONE that I am referring to is GOD!! Become the MAN of God you KNOW you are to be! Become the WOMAN of God you KNOW you are to be!

The time has come for you to come out of this “rut” and do what you know! The pity party is over and and IT’S TIME to just do it! The blessing is on the other side of your trouble, and the only way to get there is to get out of the stale place and take your blessing! Speak that thing! Walk that thing! And KNOW that that thing is yours! It can only be done when you believe and know that it will be done in Jesus name! So what are you waiting for?



The best advice I can give you today….

Kaidy’s Face

Today I am SO honored to bring you this SPECIAL interview with a woman who has been through so much in her life, but has so much to share with all of her readers. She currently has a website that speaks to the volume of what is going on with our women, men, and families in today’s society. This site has catapulted into a web sensation in such a short time. And I am so happy that we have her today. Ms. Halaveshia Hall. Here is what we chatted about:

Kimberly Renay: What is Kaidy’s Face?

Ms. Hall: Kaidy’s Face is an inspirational blog that is designed to offer daily inspiration and uplift the spirits of any human being.  It’s geared towards women in an attempt to stop the cycle of being dependents and co-dependents in any type of relationship.  Also to break the chain of greediness and neediness that is so often found in women.

*Kaidy's Face Inspiration*

Kimberly Renay: When did you realize that it was time to start Kaidy’s Face?

Ms. Hall: I realized it was time for me to start Kaidy’s Face when domestic abuse began to hit people that I know and that are in my age group but being covered up.  There was a shame attached to it.  I know that it has probably been going on for a while in some instances and probably closer to me than I really knew but for some reason I began to see it more.  People started coming to me on a personal level just talking to me and asking for advice and I began to ask God why/how did they know to come to me?

Kimberly Renay: WOW…that sounds like God. So would you say that this was destined to happen for you to be an impact on others?

Ms. Hall: YES! Looking back I sure can say it was. The first weekend in June I was just filled with emotions from nowhere. All I wanted to do was get home to Albany, Ga.  I had gotten to where I could not sleep. I was not eating. I was just confused but I was even confused about what I was confused about! *LOL! If that makes sense!* So, my best friend paid for me to make a trip home and all I knew is that I had to get to my “help”, to my church family. I went to 3 churches in Albany that had a big impact on my life all within two days!  I ended at Gethsemane Worship Center and I went into my Bishop’s office in tears just asking for prayer and clarity.  It is in that office where he and the First Lady broke down to me that what I had been wrestling with was just God’s way of showing me my purpose in life. They also told me that it was my time to use my gifts, my story, my life, to celebrate and uplift Him! I still did not now it was going to be “Kaidy’s Face” {the blog}. When I came home {Back to Atlanta} I was still confused but not as much. I prayed. I asked God to show me what/how He wanted me to do everything.  One morning I went to work. I posted just my own random thought on Facebook and the response to it was huge! I said, “God you are using me to reach people but it has to be a bigger place than Facebook!” I thought “blog” but I was clueless so I sent a message to my friend/co-worker Kimberly Renay and I asked her “Kim, how do you start a blog?” and she gave me a site to start a free one and Kaidy’s Face has grew from there!

*Ms.Hall doing an interview*

Kimberly Renay: YES! I have to say that that was a proud moment to see you starting your purpose and impacting others. It was a prayer answered. Give us a piece of what’s the message that you intend to relay to your readers?

Ms. Hall: The message that I really want to get across to my readers is the importance of forgiving.  Forgiving yourself and others is the first process to start healing.  I want the women to know that they were created to create and that they are bigger and better than the things they are allowing themselves to become victims too.  I want the men to know that a woman is the greatest gift they were ever given and to respect and build them up.

Kimberly Renay: When you write, where do you get your inspiration?

Ms. Hall: I get my inspiration directly from my own life and the things that I have gone through and currently going through.  I ask God to use me to be able to tell my story in a way that will help others as well as myself.  I also get inspiration from going to church and listening to my Pastor. (Anthony Murray, Oasis FLC)

Kimberly Renay: Do you have one regret?

Ms. Hall: Yes and No! *lol* Yes, in that I wish I’d told it sooner.  No, in that I know God does everything for a reason. In His own timing and own planning. And His time is not our time, so when it was His time for it to be told…it was told.

*Ms. Hall herself*

Kimberly Renay: What has been the highlight thus far with Kaidy’s Face?

Ms. Hall: The highlight to me is just the daily response that I get from people via text, email, or Facebook telling me what I said for that day is what they needed to hear or their friend needed to hear.  The fact that today makes only day 15 the site has been up and running and I have over 1,000 page views means that someone is listening or at least want to see what I have to say!

Kimberly Renay: WOW….that is a GREAT accomplishment. During this time there is so much that needs to be heard and you surely are dishing it out. NO CHASER! If there is one thing that you could tell your readers/followers, what would it be?

Ms.Hall: Forgive, forgive, forgive and forgetting will come naturally!!!

*Ms. Hall*

Kimberly Renay: Where do you see Kaidy’s Face in 1 year?

Ms. Hall: I see Kaidy’s Face as a global site known as the place to get your healing and inspiration daily!

Kimberly Renay: How can the readers get in touch with Kaidy’s Face?

Ms. Hall: of  follow me on Twitter @kaidysface.

I have to say that I am just BLOWN away. Not solely just that Kaidy’s Face came together, but that God used some pretty difficult life situations to impact so many other people going through very similar issues. EVERYONE has a place to share a piece of them with someone else, no matter what it may be! You see folks. By not sharing your story/gift/talent can possibly keep someone else from receiving their blessing. I can’t wait to see all that is to come for Kaidy’s Face. And just think, this is just the first 2 weeks! WOW!

So the age old question comes back again, what are you waiting for?

Kimberly Renay

Happy Thanksgiving!,Merry Christmas!,Happy New Year!,Happy Easter!……


I missed wishing you all the well wishes of the past few months, but you know what? I’m back! I’m back with a few little tricks in my pocket. Same message but coming back STRONG. Back with some folks who have been embracing a whole lot of the “get-up-and-go” mentality and are KILLING it these days! What am I talking about? Well for those of you who didn’t follow me before, let me bring you up to speed.

I am a STRONG believer in making life happen for YOU with the tools that God has given you. Using ALL that you got to get to where you going. It’s like being in a race. You are at the starting blocks. You hear that gun go off.  And you take off. You take off with all your might, using every fiber in you, with only the finish line in your view. Not the person to your right, and not the person to your left. But the goal of the finish line in your view.

That is what we are about here. Using your God given talent’s, abilities, skills, characteristics, and whatever it may be to bring joy to someone else’s life.

I’m telling you people. I have some people who have been investing time into their talents. People who have held on despite some setbacks. And they are bringing it!Bringing it with a purpose!

I can hear some of ya’ll saying, “well what do I want to know about someone else’s success for? That is just shoving it in my face.” Well actually no it is not. It’s proving that if you take what you have, and put it in action towards your goals, God will take care of the rest. The purpose of this is to give you inspiration to move forward with those dreams and hopes that you have been putting up on the shelf. And we are all here to help you move towards that mark.

I will be sharing some helpful tips about getting started from right where you are. No matter what your goals are. No matter your income. And no matter the resources that you have. We are going to make it happen for you! 🙂

SOOOO, this week we are starting off with a BIG BANG and I hope that you would join me in sharing the good news of what God has done in some of our lives.


Kimberly Renay

*Hello people!*

*Been working on my hobby...not eating...but taking pics!LOL*

*My place of solitude. Edited pic of Piedmont Park*

Failing Forward

I have recently read a book entitled just that, Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones For Success, by John C Maxwell. It is a good book….really gives you principles to live by ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD! That is the best part to me. Sometimes we get self-help books that have the PRINCIPLES of the Bible *they all do* but really don’t speak or mention the scriptures in which it comes from, well this book does just that! I must warn you though…this book is not for the faint at heart! It gives you a REAL inside of the steps to take in order to be successful, but truthfully!

*Image compliments of Google, good read folks*

There are self-helps out there that give you the pretty side to life, “invest your money but make sure you pay yourself first, how to grow your business overnight”, we all have heard or read them. Not this book! It shows you that in life there ARE going to be failures, but the best part is, you will not be successful if you don’t PUSH PAST those failures.

You know there came a point in my life where I just KNEW that I was going to be an occupational therapist. I just had it in my mind from about 17 years old that I would be the best of the best when it came to this profession! HA! NOT!! I was denied entry to the occupational therapy program where I attended undergrad…GO GATORS!!! *I can hear the haters already!! BLAH BLAH BLAH!! Laughs* And what made it even worse, I knew a girl that got into the program and said that she did not want to do the program anymore! I was like this chick took my spot, I’m passionate about this thing, and she took my spot! Well I am SOOOOOO glad that I continued to pray and pray and ask God to reveal to me what His will over my life is, because I am HAPPY with my career choices, O…K…!! *laughs* And it is soooo far left of being an occupational therapist.

It took the determination in me *not of my own strength though because I wanted to give up so many times* to continue to find out what it was that God had for me, what I had the ultimate desire to do even if I didn’t get paid for it! It’s a joy to know that John C. Maxwell has wrapped all of the great teachings of the Bible and placed it on the shelves in book heaven! *I’m a nerd when it comes to books, I loooove to read!…Don’t judge me! :-)* So I challenge you to go to the library if you can’t afford to grab this book off of Amazon or at your local bookstore and find out what it means to Fail Forward! I can see that you are getting more and more curious about your future, and it excites me that you are excited! Enjoy the good read; I know it will help you on your BRIGHT future to success! Toodles! 🙂

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